The name is Ivy Tayler and this is my legacy.
When I arrived at my new house in Riverview it was hardly what I dreamed it would be. This is what I saw, it was not much I knew, but I had to make due with it and in time I knew I would be able to make it my dream home.
My traits.
Painting was my passion, I painted ever since I could hold a paintbrush. I knew it was going to be my career one day. I also loved to write, I was always very creative throughout school.
As days went on I decided to get out and explore the town. I found a pool with a few people there, this guy included, now I don't remember his name but he was mighty cute and flirty. We didn't get to talk much just introduce ourselfs flirt a little, then I had to get home.
(inside view of my house)
I decided to go work out one day, I have always wanted to stay in top physical condition as best as I could. I was getting kinda lonely so when I got home I figured I would hangout with someone.
So when I got home I called up the guy from the pool.
"Hey, would you like to come over, maybe have dinner?"
He said yes and came right over.
"Hey, would you like to come over, maybe have dinner?"
He said yes and came right over.
I made us a nice salad dinner, since I wasn't very good at cooking yet. We talked for awhile but he was very flirty.
Before I knew what was going on we were practically making out! I was so surprised but I didn't stop what was going on.
The next day I painted a few more pictures and sold them for more money.
I also called my friend from the pool and we chatted for awhile.
To my horror my "friend" from the pool got himself turned into a vampire, or I just never realized he was one. I was so confused I didn't know what to do..
Pretty soon one thing led to another and he died from starvation. I was hurt pretty badly, we were realyl close, but I had to find something or someone to keep my mind busy while I got over my loss.

He comforted me in my loss and made me forget all about, whatshisname.
"Thank you for being there for me Damien."
"Your welcome, I'm really starting to like you.."
I was so happy he had told me he liked me. He made me feel like I meant something, like I belonged here and like he belonged here with me.
"Thank you for being there for me Damien."
"Your welcome, I'm really starting to like you.."
I was so happy he had told me he liked me. He made me feel like I meant something, like I belonged here and like he belonged here with me.
Before I knew it I found myself falling hard for Damien and I had a feeling he was falling for me too.
One night while I was sleeping a burglar came into my house and stole my sink, the cops came but by the time they arrived the burglar was already gone. They never did find out who it was or stop them. Just knowing that someone was out there who wanted my things scared me.
That day I met up with Damien and told him what had happened the night before.
"I was so scare Damien, I wish you would have been there for me."
With that he held me close.
"I will always protect you Ivy, no matter what."
"I was so scare Damien, I wish you would have been there for me."
With that he held me close.
"I will always protect you Ivy, no matter what."
Knowing that I kissed him, he made me so happy I knew what I had to do.
"Damien you make me so happy, will you marry me?"
"Yes!" He said.
I was so beyond ecstatic!
I was so beyond ecstatic!
He gave me a big hug and I started making plans for our wedding right away.
Our wedding was right where we had got engaged and only a few people showed up, we both didn't know many people since we were both still so new to town. We didn't care for a big wedding though. We were just happy to be together.
We said our vows and exchanged rings and kissed for the first time as husband and wife.
We danced the night away and I was so happy to have such a strong wonderful man in my life. He completed me in so many ways.
"I love you Damien."
"I love you too Ivy."
"I love you Damien."
"I love you too Ivy."
We made some uh..."magic".
Damiens' Makeover.
The next morning Damien looked for a job and decided to go into the military. I was so proud of him.
I on the other hand was getting sick in the bathroom.
While I was busy throwing up all morning Damien was busy working out.
And jogging.
He was finally ready for his job. I was so proud of him. I was busy painting pictures all day while he was away.
A few nights later I went into labor and Damien was freaking out.
"Just calm down and get me to the hospital!"
he did as he was told since I was squeezing his hand super hard all the way there.
"Just calm down and get me to the hospital!"
he did as he was told since I was squeezing his hand super hard all the way there.
I would like to introduce our beautiful son.
Jimmy Tayler.
Jimmy Tayler.
Welcome Jimmy :) great blog so far :)!
& (if you are interested!)
following you!