Monday, April 25, 2011

Chapter 1.2

I have decided to change how I write. :) 
We begin with Jimmy and this guy who came home with him from school. His name slips my mind.
Jimmy: "Whats your deal? Your just yelling at me.."
Random guy: "Ill beat you!"
And of course a fight breaks out!
Random guy: "Take that!"
Jimmy: "Ow! Oh my god, I don't know what I did to deserve this!"
What a way to start this chapter huh?! Ha.
Sorry there were not very many pictures of Blake's childhood, it wasn't exciting.
Blake: "OhMyGod.... I'm floating AND sparkling!"
Notice how "Excited" Ivy looks.
These girls showed up to Blakes birthday, the boys decided to get there flirt on. ;)
Jimmy: I dont even know what shes saying, but dang shes pretty.
Blake: "Your cute!"
Way to be straight forward there Blake.
Traits: Absent-minded, Dramatic, Clumsy, and Evil.
Blake got ALOT of tattoos for his birthday. Wait till you see him with his shirt off.
Tawanna: "Im glad you came out tonight so we could celebrate your birthday just us two."
Blake: "Your such a good friend Tawanna, thanks."
Aww how cute.
Jimmy: "So weve been talking all night and uhm I was just uh.."
 Aisha: "What is it Jimmy?"
Jimmy: "Aisha, I think your real cute and we get a long great, so uh will you be my girlfriend?"
Aisha: "Of course Jimmy, I think your adorable."
Aww arent they so cute? They really do get a long great without me helping.
Meanwhile, it was getting real late and Blake was still out with Tawanna until the cops showed up and took him home! He sure is starting out as a teenager on a bad note.
Ivy: "Blake Tayler! Youre in so much trouble! How dare you stay out this late!"
Blake: "Uh..Mom Im sorry...I-"
Ivy: "I dont wanna hear! get inside NOW! This conversation is over."
Dang Blake messed up bad.
Get some!!
We shall leave them alone. ;)
A few days later Damien aged up into a elder. BTW his traits: Brave, Flirty, Party animal, Athletic, and Ambitious. Thought you might wanna know. Hes a cute old man.
Damien: "Uhm why is this kid staring at me..Im just working out.."
Awkward..... >.<
Ivy: "OhMyGod..The computer broke!"
Really Ivy...You gotta yell?
Arent they still the cutest couple?
I vote yes.
Aisha: "Thanks for coming over today Blake."
Blake: "Anything for you baby. We gonna get to makin out now?"
That would be a yes.
Blake loves talking to Aisha online at all hours of the night. Crazy kids.
A rare picture of Damien actually cooking.
I just adore Aishas faces. :D
Damien: "You seem like a nice girl but dang you have a weird name.."
Aisha: "Uh...thanks...I guess?"
Damien is weird around her..
Blake: "Ugh Dad thats so weird of you to talk to my girlfriend. Just dont!"
Jeez angry much?
Cutest couples ever! ♥ XD
Ivy: "So boys hows school?"
Blake: nomnomnom...
Timmy: "I miss Aisha.."
Ivy: "Great talking to you boys..."
Teenagers....*Rolls eyes*
Blake: "RAWR, I have more tattoos then you!"
Damien: "Ah!"
Evil sims are funny.
Ivy: "WOO! PARTY!"
Haha Ivy you make me laugh.
Uh...Whatcha lookin at there?
Jimmy: "Cake...."
Jimmy: "Hmm what to wish for.."
Jimmy: "OhMyGod! Im shiny!"
Jimmys tratis: Loner, Clumsy, Ambitious, Born salesman, and Friendly.
Blake: "Then I held it and stuck my hand in like this..."
Eh...I dont even wanna know..
Blake: "Hey Aisha! You aged up too?! Well come over so we can make out!"
She did. I hate her hair though and clothes...ew.
Awwww. ♥
Ivy: "Oww My back hurts...and Im sparkling..."
Shes such a cute little old lady! I love her. :)
There so happy together. I seriously bairly have to do anything with them. I love it.
Aisha: "And then I was like you hold it up here, but dont shake it.."
These sims are nuts I swear.
Ivy is always busy either writeing books or painting. Shes doing very good making money.
Damien what happened!
Damien: "Uh I was trying to fix the computer...and then I got shocked!"
Then why are you smiling...?
Damien: "I gotta pee!"
Blake: "Your old!"
Ivy: "Aw!"
Ivy: "Im so proud of you doing your homework."
Blake: "Thanks mom, now eat your pancakes."
Damien getting his handy skill up.
Ivy maxed her painting skill!
Jimmy is gettin it in! 

Well end here. Also poll will be up to vote for heir! So go vote!